Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Posted by Olga Johnson at 9:01 AM 0 comments
Labels: My Brother
Jessica Grace
My baby sister Jessika this is the only picture that I have of her. She does not like to take pics. I am going to have to work on that. That is not alowed in our family. We love the camara and camera loves us. No matter how big she is she will always be my baby sister. Love you Sis.
Posted by Olga Johnson at 8:53 AM 3 comments
Labels: baby sister Jessica
Monday, May 19, 2008
My Sister Vera
Posted by Olga Johnson at 8:43 PM 2 comments
Labels: Sweet
Posted by Olga Johnson at 8:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: My little Brother
My Little Brother Michael
Posted by Olga Johnson at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: Little Brother
The Value of a Giving Heart
May 17, 2008
We were checking out at the register, when a lady approached us. She asked if we would like to donate a dollar to children's miracle network. I could not refuse, so a handed the dollar to my daughter and she gave it to the lady. Then the lady gave her candy. Didn't think nothing of it, until we started walking out of the store and I noticed another both set up and the sign said donate a dollar and get ice cream bar. That's when it hit me.........what are we teaching our kids???? Why can't we just give and not get something in return. Why can't we give, out of the goodness of our heart, because we care about others, because God Blessed us with life. That's the greatest gift of all. Why wouldn't they give that candy to the kids, that they are raising the money for in the first place? Have you ever though about this, or am I the only one out there.
Today my little girl through a fit because I forgot to get cupcakes to take to school for her Birthday. How spoiled is that..........To me it is embarrassing......I am just really disappointed....We were not raised that way. I sure don't want to raise my kids that way. Why do they have to get paid for chores that we do or rewards for being good. WHAT VALUES ARE WE TEACHING OUR CHILDREN. Why do we always have to get something in return? Just the other day I asked my son to go and pick up his room. He asked me, what am I going to get for it? WOW..........WOW.........WOW.........it is all around us, we are all destroying our children and our future. Why not teach them great values like helping one another, when some one is in need be of good service. help to those who need help. Working as a team, a family team. Daddy work very hard and extremely long hours to support our family. Mommy works around the clock at home making sure every one is feed, clean, healthy, happy......In order to be a family every one need to work together and have responsibility's. What we put in our kids today, will reflect in our future tomorrow.
One of the things that I am thankful for is my Parent's and the Value of Giving Heart that they put in us. They not only talked about it, but every day they lived it. They gave their finances, time, afford, hard work. What they had they Gave. Now that we are all grown up we try to live up to that. It is in our hearts, in our blood, in our genes. It is very near and dear to me. I want to instill the Value of a Giving Heart to my children. It's a cycle that can't never be broken if you keep giving. Don't never stop Giving or get discouraged that you can't give. There is always something that you can give. If you stop giving you could break the cycle. Mom, Dad if you read this I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for setting a good example of a Giving Heart! I also want you to know that now matter what happens we will always be there for each other. I love you guys so much and miss you. You are my true heroes!
This issue is all around us. It's in our schools, in our grocery stores, in the department stores, out on the streets.........we cannot avoid it. So please teach your kids at Home the value of giving heart. It is more important to give than to receive.
Posted by Olga Johnson at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: Giving Heart
Friday, May 16, 2008
Giavanna Laurenne
My Little Sweet Girl! I just love to kiss and hug her. She love music, dance, eat, drink bottles, love to be a big sister. She is my baby Gia.
Posted by Olga Johnson at 1:12 PM 1 comments
Labels: Baby Gia
Preston Troy
My blue eye baby. Loves his new baby brother Ashton Luke. Loves to play with his cars, destry the toy room, get into the fridge, play with dirt, macaroni with cheese and sing to his baby brother. Daddy's Boy.
Posted by Olga Johnson at 12:58 PM 1 comments
Labels: Daddy's Boy
Posted by Olga Johnson at 12:54 PM 1 comments
Labels: Little miss sunshine
Nathan Lindel
Posted by Olga Johnson at 12:47 PM 1 comments
Labels: Nathan my creative child
Elizabeth Mary
Posted by Olga Johnson at 12:37 PM 1 comments
Labels: My first born Child
Hubby Troy
Posted by Olga Johnson at 12:28 PM 2 comments
Well, here we go
What A Day. Would not trade it for any thing and I mean this......
Posted by Olga Johnson at 10:24 AM 3 comments